22 08 2016

“Altay is a golden cradle" International field workshop has been held during August 18-21 at the territory of «Berel» State historical and cultural reserve-museum. The workshop has been arranged by the International Turkic academy in cooperation with Astana branch of A.Kh.Margulan Institute of Archeology in association with the East Kazakhstan Regional museum of history and local history, Fuel and Energy Complex-KAZAKHSTAN” (“TEK-KAZAKHSTAN”) LLP as a nongovernmental organization and «Berel» historical and cultural reserve-museum.

Local and foreign scientists have participated in the workshop. More than 10 scientists from 4 countries have presented their reports (from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan).

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22 07 2016

The «Nomad» international land-art symposium has been held in «Berel» reserve-museum during 10-20 July 2015. The event has been held within the frameworks of the project «Golden Altay» - richness for development of the region», supported by the European Committee and Memorandum on Cooperation for development of agricultural tourism, which was concluded between the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region and the Machaon International (an independent non-commercial conservation organization from Slovakia).

The initiators of the symposium: TEK-KAZAKHSTAN and "Machaon International" in association with the Regional museum of history and local history under the Administration of culture of EKR and «Berel» reserve-museum.

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10 02 2016

On 10 February 2016 Dametken Saduokasovna Nuriyeva, a teacher of history conducted for pupils of 6th forms an Online-lesson on the subject of «Berel burial mounds in the Earliest Iron Age» which took place in Rykov Secondary school. During the lesson, she used materials from region and information technologies, paid a significant attention to patriotic education, development of pupils’ creativeness, culture of speech, development of an opinion, promotion of love to homeland and earth.

Zh.K. Yelemesova, the invited guest from the «Berel» reserve-museum shared the information on Berel reserve-museum and introduced children with the historical findings from the territory of Berel burial mounds.

01 09 2015

With the aim of effective cooperation in the sphere of culture, security and investigation of the historical and cultural heritages of Sak and Turkic periods, the «Berel» historical and cultural reserve-museum and the Shakarim State University of Semey city (East Kazkahstan region) have signed a Memorandum on Cooperation on 9 October 2015.

The Memorandum provides mutual performance of archeological excavations of the earliest Iron Age in Sak burial mounds of Berel valley in Katon-Karagay region with the purpose of sharing experiences and knowledge, participation in scientific meetings, workshops, conferences, as well as performance of mutual archeological excavations of burial mounds.

07 08 2015

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of France to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Francis Etienne has visited the Berel burial mounds on 7 August 2015. During the visit, the museum has organized an excursion to the Kings’ valley with introduction of the main sights of necropolis.

A meeting with a head of the museum with discussion of many questions, including the prospects for further development of the museum has been held. In his speech, Mr. Francis Etienne noted the necessity for continuation and strengthening the Kazakh-French partnership in the sphere of investigation the Berel burial mounds, creation of mutual and cultural relationships, including archeological, research and restoration work.

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