
«There is no Egyptian pyramids and Roman Coliseum in our country, but the role of nomads, who lived in the ancient territory of Kazakhstan, is invaluable not only in Eurasia, but also for the history of the world. We must show the greatness of steppe civilization to the world. It is one of the main objectives of the program «Cultural Heritage» — said the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. 

«Culture is the reflection of nation, its soul, intelligence and nobility. Civilized people is proud of its history, development of culture, great people that brought fame to the state and made a great contribution in the golden fund of world achievements of thoughts and art. It is by means of culture and traditions that nation becomes famous»

N.A. Nazarbaev

The state program «Cultural Heritage» was launched by the initiative of N. Nazarbayev. The program considers creation of the whole system for studying the cultural heritage as well as the creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs; The state program «Cultural Heritage» was launched by the initiative of N. Nazarbayev. The program considers creation of the whole system for studying the cultural heritage as well as the creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs; reconstruction of significant historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the country; generalization of centuries-old experience of national literature and writing, creating a detailed artistic and scientific series; the creation of the state language of the full fund of humanitarian education based on the best achievements of world scientific thought, culture and literature.

The realization of the program was started in 2004 and supposed for two years. Later there were worked out another two stages of the program: 2007- 2009 and 2009- 2011.

The State program “Cultural heritage” became the basic document in the sphere of development of spiritual and educational activity, providing of preservation and effective use of cultural heritage of the state. Kazakhstan was the first of the CIS-countries to start realization of such scaled project.

The aims of the “Cultural heritage” are studying, restoration and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the state, revival of historical and cultural traditions and propaganda of cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The State program “Cultural heritage” is realized according to several thematic trends:

  • Reproduction of historical and cultural and architectural monuments that are of special importance for national culture;
  • Archeological research;
  • Scientific works in the sphere of cultural heritage of the Kazakh;
  • Generalization of the century-old experience of national literature and writings, creation of expanded belles and scientific series.

From the moment of adoption of the program in 2004 there were finished restoration works at 78 monuments of history and culture, during 2008-2011 total 28 (35%).

Conducted 26 scientific and applied, 40 archaeological researches, which enriched science with thousands of artifacts that give insight into the history of our ancestors. Gained world fame excavation mounds Shilikty and Berel in East Kazakhstan region and finds gold products related to "Scythian art" or art Saki (V-III centuries BC.

For the first time in the history of independent Kazakhstan was a large-scale inventory of national monuments and approved lists of historical and cultural monuments of the republican (218 objects) and local (11 277 objects).

They organized scientific and research expeditions in China, Turkey, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Armenia, and USA and states of Western Europe. Following their results it was acquired about 5 thousand manuscripts and writings on history, ethnography, art of Kazakhstan that were unknown before.

For the first time after acquiring independence, Kazakhstan started to create a full fund of humanitarian education in the Kazakh language. It was published more than 537 books, including unique series on history, archeology, ethnography, new encyclopedic dictionaries.

In terms of the National program “Cultural heritage” they created the project Anthology of the Kazakh traditional music “Mangilik saryn: kazaktyn 1000 kui, 1000 ani” (“Immortal melodies: 1000 kui, 1000 songs”). This is a grand and unprecedented work on collection, preparation, processing, restoration, digitalization and release of CDs with the Kazakh traditional music in authentic performance in the history of the national culture.

In terms of the program “Cultural heritage” the state works on restoration of monuments abroad. In Damask (Syria) in 2007 they started construction of mausoleum and historical and cultural center of Al-Farabi, in Cairo (Egypt) they are restoring the mosque of Sultan Az-Zakhir Beibars.

Film studio "Kazakhfilm" created 20 documentaries about particularly important historical places and heritage of national culture. These are documentary series like "Cultural Heritage" "Korkyt. History of kui", "Musical Heritage of Nomads","Architectural monuments of the ancient Turkestan","Mausoleum Zhusup Ata"," Petroglyphs Tamgaly "and several others.

The program "Cultural Heritage" implemented measures aimed at the development of the tourism cluster (pilgrimage tourism, historical and archaeological tourism). Archaeologists’ recommendations are used in the development of tourist routes.

Annually, more than 200 events are conducted for the purpose of popularization of historical and cultural heritage in the country and abroad.

The scale of the project is the fact that it involves all the intellectual potential of modern Kazakhstan: academic institutions of art and literature, philosophy, history and ethnography, linguistics etc., the National Library, higher education institutions of the country.

Becoming unprecedented in the history of Kazakhstan's humanitarian action program "Cultural Heritage" opened the wealth of national spiritual treasury of the Kazakh people worldwide.

The state program «Cultural Heritage» was launched by the initiative of N. Nazarbayev. The program considers creation of the whole system for studying the cultural heritage as well as the creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs; The state program «Cultural Heritage» was launched by the initiative of N. Nazarbayev. The program considers creation of the whole system for studying the cultural heritage as well as the creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs; reconstruction of significant historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the country; generalization of centuries-old experience of national literature and writing, creating a detailed artistic and scientific series; the creation of the state language of the full fund of humanitarian education based on the best achievements of world scientific thought, culture and literature.

The state program "Cultural Heritage" has become the main instrument in the development of the spiritual and educational activities, strategic national project.

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