
22 08 2016

“Altay is a golden cradle" International field workshop has been held during August 18-21 at the territory of «Berel» State historical and cultural reserve-museum. The workshop has been arranged by the International Turkic academy in cooperation with Astana branch of A.Kh.Margulan Institute of Archeology in association with the East Kazakhstan Regional museum of history and local history, Fuel and Energy Complex-KAZAKHSTAN” (“TEK-KAZAKHSTAN”) LLP as a nongovernmental organization and «Berel» historical and cultural reserve-museum.

Local and foreign scientists have participated in the workshop. More than 10 scientists from 4 countries have presented their reports (from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan).

Excursions to the monuments of «Berel» and «Kara-Kaba» necropolis for visitors and participants have been arranged within the frameworks of the workshop. During the excursion, the results of excavations and natural-science researches, obtained during the summer field workshop in 2015 have been presented to the participants.

«This kind of organization form of the field workshop enables to apply international experience of investigation and preservation the same objects of history and culture. The participants of the workshop will play a role of experts, whose opinions and advises will be useful for interpretation and development of the strategy for conservation of monuments», emphasized Zainolla Samashev, a doctor of historical sciences and executive of A.Kh.Margulan Institute.

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